Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Five Decades

Five Decades 10/29/2014

If I could
I would change it all
And go backwards in my mind
Soaking up every detail  
And making it all mine.

But in a way
We already have
As we remember it in words
For others to embrace,
Feel, taste, and touch. 

Nothing is lost
And nothing is hidden
As it still exists
In another place and time. 

Others have tried to erase
What it was,
That came before
But they did not succeed then
And they cannot now. 

Raging against invisible enemies
Spasmodically lashing out in violence
As evil seeks to possess
And destroy. 

It is the same old battle
For the same old reasons
As the heroic survive adversity  
And harvest the fruit.

Born with the golden leaves on our heads
We learn to despise and reject
Pissing on the rugs
Woven by hand. 

We reject the truth
And believe lies
As we dance around
A golden calf. 

Fools believe in themselves
And can justify any act
To get what they want
Altogether unaware
And dead in the head. 

The truth remains
Just as it always did
But it is we who forgot
And called it a lie. 

Darkness descends on the foolish
And the easily swayed
Neglectful of the children
Unprotected and pure. 

Don’t be afraid
To tell them like it is
The raw truth
Unvarnished and deadly.

Be not prey
Be not a victim
But instead choose well
And live forever.    

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