Monday, September 30, 2013

Until Next

 Tumbledown 9/30/2013

Just as easy as it comes
Life slips away
By some kind of random accident
We are born
And we die.

We forget more than we learn
And it is by the smallest of margins
That we ever opened our eyes
And breathed.

We stop and we stare
And wonder at the loss
But they happen every day
Just like miracles and dreams.

As time goes by
Our options get smaller
As our numbers dwindle
And our defenses grow weak. 

But we learn as we grow
And as we watch others
Rise, bleed and fall
The horror self-evident
And all caught on tape.

If time runs on forever
How do you think it will look?
As one thing leads to another
And everything comes undone.

As corruption multiplies
And all the boundaries collapse
With nothing sacred
Except savagery, and greed.

Legislated out of existence
By numbers and lies
The good herded 
Into ever smaller areas
To be hunted at will. 

The fall isn’t hard to see
If you think and remember
That this isn’t the first time
And it may not be the last.

Good luck with your story
And good luck with your math
Because the dumb and the blind
Always kill for more.

The lie is getting bigger
But the truth can still be found
Larger and larger
And burning in our minds.

It is not enough to try
And it is not enough to reason
But only to forgive
And prepare to stand.   

Tomorrow may yet bring joy
Because love can never truly die
But even in the midst of hope
We are frail sacks of flesh. 

No one knows when
But nothing lasts forever
Except for the promise
That we have all but forgotten.

Carry me home
And help me to remember
All that gave me a reason
To get up and try
Again and again. 

Help me to see
What remains invisible
And help me to know
When to start. 

But even in loss
There is always a chance
For something better
And something new.  

We shall yet spread our wings 
And fly through the barriers
From one place to another 
In and out of time.   

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