Friday, September 20, 2013


Derailed  9/20/2013

The train has left the station
So it’s too late to jump
So I guess we have to hold on
For all of our dear life. 

Because the speed is picking up
And we will jump the tracks
Either today or maybe tomorrow
But one day for sure. 

This long black train
Is headed for a tunnel
Deep inside a mountain
On the dark side of death. 

It wasn’t built with bakes
And it runs hotter and hotter
Burning furiously
And belching sparks
Into the sky. 

It is the fruit
Of what we planted
And the horror
We choose to ignore.

We were born for this moment
As we barrel down the line
Hopeless and dumb
Wasted and dead.

In the belly of the earth
We must brace for the worst
As we head into hell
Crashing through every obstacle
And breaking every restraint.

They can come and get us
Because there is nothing left to lose
As gravity gives way
And raw power takes over.

There is no choice
But to bust on through
And come out on the other side
Where everything is new
And everything is right. 

More spirit than regret
And more alive than dead
With everything ahead of us
And all the loneliness behind. 

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