Friday, September 13, 2013

Fire Fight

Fire Fight   9/13/2013

Most of life
Is spent in a lie
As we all pretend to care
And dream that we are alive.

It is never too late
To become what
We should have been
Or what we might have been
If we had rebelled. 

That is what I want to be
Unafraid and alive
No matter how it looks
Or what is said.

People are people
But there is no reason
To  be one dimensional 
Flat against the wall
Predictable and dead.

But the world loves to control
And how it loves to predict
Painting us into a small space
With a name and a tag.

From where I sit
I can hear them
Small people
Making small talk
Flapping away
As they disappear.

Walking and talking
And asleep at the wheel
Jockeying for position
Like rats in a cage.

We all look the same
As our dreams get smaller
Shrinking every day
As we age
And retreat.

Huddling together
For safety
Even though the door is open
And we are free. 

That is life
And that is man
A prisoner by choice
And a slave by decree.

Our dreams are only dreams
If we believe them so
But reality is what we do
And dare to express. 

If others want to die
Then let them rot away
But for us
Let us breathe
And burn bright.  

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