Thursday, September 12, 2013

Eight Hours

Eight Hours   9/12/2013

Some people
Get paid to lie
And some people
Get paid to pretend.

Slaves to a promise
That may never come
And beholden for a paycheck
Devalued every day.

The pie does not get bigger
Just because the pieces get smaller
And what value does it have?
When it’s all artificial
Fixed and fake.

We take what we are given
And force ourselves to smile
Another day working the wheel
And jumping through hoops.

Anything can be justified
If you are evil and corrupt
And anyone can be used
If you are empty and dead.

But even this is a joke
Because all of it comes undone
Evaporating into nothing
Like a temporary wisp of smoke.

God looks at us
And doesn’t miss a thing
Providing for the good
Who seek and believe.

Smile and let them stew
For they have lost
Even while they think
That they have won. 

Stronger than laws
And legislated morality
Enforced or unenforced
Worthless and corrupt.

We will sleep
And we will live
Surviving and prospering
By faith and heart. 

Loss is nothing
And less is more
As our lives fill up
And overflow. 

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