Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Silence of the Damned     9/24/2013

Another day
And another beating
As the crickets chirp
And the wind drives by.

Silence is golden
But today the silence speaks
As everyone can see
What it means
And where it leads.

Even an animal
Kills for food
And none of them laugh
Or act like fools. 

The world burns
And the good are slaughtered
While we look the other way
And pretend we are safe.

The message is for you
And the message is for me
Loud, clear, and horrifying
And no one does a thing.

Others have stood
And they are the accused
Vilified for doing what they must
And what anyone would do. 

Something evil has happened
And crawled up on the shore
Creeping slowly through the weeds
Unchecked and unseen.

We left the back door open
And now it waits for us to weaken
Waiting until we can no longer
Rise or defend. 

The clock is ticking 
But there is still 
A lot left to happen.

Because even though evil
May have its way
All of it shall end
And be gone in a day. 

Swift shall be the judgment
And final shall be the sentence
Without excuses
Or pardons.

The words
Have never been more clear
And woe to them
Who call evil good
And good they call evil. 

Drop off the treadmill
And stop feeding the beast
Careful who you reward
And what you do. 

This world and all its power
Is nothing compared to faith
And soon the blood of the good
Shall be avenged
Ten times 
Ten thousand.  

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