Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fish Eyes

Fish Eyes 9/18/2013

If you are told you are perfect
Then what will you learn?
And if you are told you are good
How will you change?

There is nothing magic
In how I look
Or where I am from
But that is the lie
Told over and over again. 

Every man is different
And no two days are the same
However nobody really wants us to think
But only to comply. 

If we fail
Then we must think
And if we succeed
Then we must be careful.

The struggle makes you stronger
But if you think you are special
Then you become both weak
And foolish. 

I have heard it all
And I know what it means
As everyone tries to remind you
That you are down
And they are up.

Because it isn’t fun
If you can’t hurt another
And it isn’t a victory
If they don’t know.

But if you are intelligent
And if you are wise
Then you should need nothing
To show who you are. 

And the powerful need not a title
Or honors
To remind them of what is true
And what is good. 

But isn’t that life
That it is rotten and dead
Corrupt, putrid
And dead as a fish.

No, this is not enough
And it never was before
Because we are far from home
And will always need more.

Words are words
And money distracts the mind
As we seek immortality
In all the wrong ways.

A dead fish
Flows down the river
And a dead man
Sleeps in the dust.

But if we live
We can choose
And if we choose
We can live forever. 

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