Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Unsinkable 9/10/2013

Don’t blink your eyes
And don’t turn away
Because reality is like a snake
Waiting to strike.

Hiding in the grass
As we walk by
Unaware of danger
And murderous men.

But no man should hang his head
And no man should run in fear
But instead we should all remember
All that we love.

What is lost is lost
And what we have
Is only temporary
But even this
Should make us hold on
Tighter than ever.

When we are gone
All that we did
Is safe and secure
Stored in the mind of God

The lies will melt away
And so will our sins
As we accept the gift
Of eternity. 

Many do not know it
But the weight is gone
We are whatever we want
And we can live
As we choose.

No longer bound by lies
And no longer yoked to the wheel
Able to declare the truth
For the whole world to see. 

It is time
To let go
And it is time
To live boldly.

It may get worse
Or it may get better
But if anyone has eyes
It’s time to stand up
Without fear or doubt.

The silent
Shall also be the guilty
And all the power in the world
Shall not save them. 

What took so long to build
Can be corrupted with disease
Weakened from the inside out
Until it is hollow.

Let the hollow world
Dissolve and blow away
Because what is real will survive
Even death
And destruction.

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