Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Alarm Bells

Alarm Bells

Maybe you checked the box
Or maybe you checked another
But nobody really cares about what we do
Because what matters is how it looks
And how it feels.

Good is called evil
And evil is called good
Turned, twisted, and skewed,
Unrecognizable and dead.

That is what you get
When you can’t tell the truth
And everyone is afraid
Of accusation and ruin.

Chained to a paycheck
That will never be enough
And handcuffed to beast
That will always want more.

My name was covered over
And shifted to the bottom
Just like I expected
And Just like I knew.

In a world of opposites
Someone will be the hated
But the hatred of evil men
Is nothing that we should fear.

If the top is rotten
Then the bottom is better
And if what is right is wrong
Then this cannot last. 

There are worse things
Than to be rejected or forgotten
Because what is good is still good
No matter what is said or done.

History has no wrong or right side
But only right and wrong
And situational ethics has killed millions
While many looked the other way. 

When the lid comes off
What is a man to do?
Except defend the innocent
And the good. 

But how much pity
Should a predator get?
When he comes after me
And mine.

They can have their world
And ride it
All the way down
Spiraling tighter and tighter 
And straight into the ground.

Time to get off
And live how you want
Far away from here
Any way you can.

Freedom will last
Only as long as we rise
But with fear
There is nothing 
But slavery and death. 

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