Monday, September 9, 2013

Flip Flop

Flip Flop   9/9/2013

Face the wall
Like a dumb dead sheep
Herded in a circle
And slaughtered for meat.  

This is what you get
If this is what you want
Just another long lost memory
That no one will mourn.

Tracked every day
And watched every night
Because privacy doesn’t matter
For you and for me.

When the smoke
Hits your nostrils
You can bet there’s a fire
But if you  don’t know what to do
Then the flames will just get higher.

Some stick to the lie
No matter how ridiculous it seems
Because they can keep us staring
At their repetitive propaganda screens.

Stop the show
Because I want to leave
And go as far away
As my conscience will let me. 

Let it all fall apart
And let it all crumble
So that we can all start again
And get it right. 

Starting over is good
Even if it hurts
And giving up is good
As long as you keep
What is right. 

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