Monday, September 16, 2013


Head over Heels 9/16/2013

Last night I couldn’t sleep
So I turned over and over
Uncomfortable inside of myself
Troubled and tortured.

If I live long enough
Something will kill me
But I am  here now
And that has to be enough.

There is no sense in comparing
One life to another
And it is a waste of time
To wish them reversed.

But God knows
What moves in the hearts of men
When they give in
And they give up.

As the eggs hatch
And the worms grow
Writhing in our hearts
Full of poison
And hatred.

One thing
Always leads to another
And so goes the steps of man
As we retreat inside ourselves
Backwards to zero.

It’s good to be alive
And it’s good to keep trying
Even though we fail
And even though we fall.

But the closer you look
The more that you miss
Because even a puppet will jump
When the hand
Gives us a shove.

You can’t blow smoke rings forever
When your roof is on fire
And we can’t just pull up the covers
When they shoot through the door.

Dream your dreams
But sleep with your eyes open
Because it’s better to see it coming
Than it is to die dumb.

Look from the distance
And see the whole picture
Because each piece has a place
And all of it
Is a horror.

Everything fits
And everything falls apart
Symptoms of a disease
For a particular place and time. 

But all of this
Only makes me love more
Because it makes me remember
Why we are here.

If the world is upside down
Then it’s good to be on the bottom
And if the good are persecuted
Then even the whip
Will make me smile.

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