Friday, September 6, 2013

Climbing up

Climbing Up    9/6/2013

Some things work the first time
But something’s are more trouble
Either because you got it wrong
Or turned it upside down. 

Those are the times
That you must
Take it all apart
And start over
Rebuilding from scratch
What you already thought was done.

Life isn’t easy
And life isn’t perfect
Because no matter how hard we try
There will always be
A missing piece.

But there is a reason for everything
And there is a reason for this also
Because it reminds us who we are
And where we are going. 

Sometimes we forget
About what love really is
How sometimes we must lose
In order to win. 

We are born
With a hole in our hearts
A hole that longs to be filled
With what we once had 
And who we once knew. 

God loves us
But his love
Is more than a feeling
It is the genuine kind of love
That lasts forever.

He watches every step
And knows every flaw
Watching us fall
As we learn to walk
And smiling as we learn. 

He scolds us
Because he knows us
And wants us to know
True happiness,
Joy and peace. 

He sees the end from the beginning
And knows where our steps will lead
Knowing the consequences of every action
Upon the spirit and the soul.

We belong to him
And we belong to each other
As we all wander the earth
Searching for home. 

Seek what is true
And grasp at the eternal
Unafraid of loss
Or rejection. 

He who asks
Will find
And he who grows
Will know.

Training ourselves
In every way
To learn from our mistakes
As we struggle ever upward
Against the tide.

Never give up
And never give in
But give away all your pain
Letting it rise
Ever upwards in prayer. 

All that is lost
Will be returned
And all the missing pieces
Will fall into place. 

We will be together
And all the holes will be filled
The day that we remember
All that we have
And all that we love. 

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