Thursday, September 19, 2013


Iceberg   9/19/2013

Did you see it
Or did you miss it
The small words of truth
Buried at the bottom.

Most of the iceberg
Hides beneath the water
Just waiting to peel us open
And send us down.

No one ever listens
To the warnings
Because we all think we are invincible
And immune.

But many mighty men have fallen
And sleep forever
Because of pride
And serious delusion.

The wishing well is dry
And there is no more money
To print or spend
Because everybody took everything
And there's nothing left for us.  

More is always coming
But the end has already begun
Just when I got started
The seeds were planted 
Poisonous and dumb.  

They will lie today
And they will lie tomorrow
But like I said
I am not buying the story
And I am not taking the cheese.

There is always another message
And propaganda is all the rage
As some men never learn
And never grow. 

Many will bray and wail
About all that  is wrong
While they sling a one sided view
With no truth at all. 

They will make sure
That you see their name
Because it’s all about their ego
And who they think they are. 

But in the end
They will also disappear
Their names blackened forever
Stuck from the record
And missing from the page. 

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