Friday, September 27, 2013

More or Less

More or Less   9/27/2013

If you think you are great
Then you are nothing
But if you live selflessly
You have already won. 

Small men brag
And smaller men boast
But to grasp at greatness
We should think of others first.

We are dangling between worlds
As one dies
And another emerges
Suffering through the death throes
Of all that is, left behind.

The blood of the good
Has dried on the floor
But the call goes up
And the ripples go out.

The arrogant shall fall 
And they shall fall hard
Because their greatness was given
And all their power artificial.

Say goodbye to what was
But not before
Many more shall bleed
But even those who die
Shall live.

You can survive anything
And those who have faced death
Know it better than anyone
Slipping through every crack
All the way down. 

Enjoy today
With a wink and a smile
Because all we can do
Is try. 

The horse has left the barn
And all that must happen 
Will happen
As we live and remain
All that we are. 

Those I have loved
Are with me still
And the walls cannot hold me
As I fly from day to day.

The duality has split apart
And what was weak
Will become strong
And all that, appears powerful
Will melt away.

I am new again
And the grip of the past
Is loosened
All things provided
And all powers given. 

Today can be greatest day
If we can only choose
Who it is we accept
And who it is we love. 

Giving ourselves over fully
And living according to conviction
Standing up
And never standing down.  

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