Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Cut Out

Cut Out 9/18/2013

Yesterday is a worthless day
Gone down into memory
Like it never happened at all
And all our best efforts
Are eroded with time
And weathered away.

Tomorrow could be a blessing
Or it might not come at all
As we are cut off
By cruel circumstance
Or random murder.

The reasons might be convenient
Or they might be erased
Because it’s the agenda that matters
And not the real truth. 

If something seems wrong
Then maybe there is a reason
And if people are hidden
Then they have a truth to tell. 

Evil lurks in the shadows
Waiting to take our lives
Either by theft or deception
Our souls are ripe and tempting. 

Many great things could have happened
Had we not been led astray
But isn’t that the same old story
We have heard a million times before.

Some days are full of promise
And some days, many almost believe
But the next day
They are drug down
By the smallest of sins. 

The journey upwards is hard
But it is so easy to fall
Tumbling down head over heels
Like we never tried at all. 

I loved her more than life
And I would have cut off my arm
If only I could have kept
What I never owned at all.  

Others come and others lie
Never missing a chance
To manipulate or deceive
Just to get what they want
Which is always money
And ease.

I have struggled to stand
And each step is painful
Weakened by the old wounds
That have never healed. 

One day I feel good
And the next I am undone
As I am reminded
All I might have been
But will never have again. 

Every last mention
Has been covered over
So that my name disappears
Replaced and lowered
Like it never happened at all.

The days come and go
And I smile and laugh
But life has lost it's colors
And all of its taste.

The colors are muted
And the skies are gray
Because there is little left to celebrate
And almost nothing to say. 

Others speak of small things
And others plan their dreams
Without any inkling
That all of it
Is dead. 

They spring forward
And then they fall back
Falling down, where they first started
Just as dumb and dead. 

If God can see the future
Then he has seen all the past
Watching me fall and get up
And fall all over again. 

He can see my mistakes
Even before I knew
Hearing every prayer
And counting every wound.

He knew that this would happen
And he knew the reason why
But not because I am abandoned
But only because he loved. 

I am scolded for my selfishness
And admonished for my pride
Because I did not know 
And had not learned.

The lessons stung my heart
And the weight of evil
Almost crushed my spirit
But it was he who gave me strength
When I had nothing left at all. 

He has kept every promise
And he will keep this to
To raise me up when I am ready
And bring me home to you.

We shall yet all be together
Both here and also there
Finally where we belong
Perfect, painless and free. 

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