Monday, September 23, 2013

Purple Passion

Purple Passion  9/23/2013

You can get sick
Or you can get better
But it’s better to be alive
Than it is to be safe. 

There is no safety
If you run
Or if you hide
But only those who stand
Shall see what it means.

Everyone is waving their hands
So that we will be distracted and dumb
While the knife slips in and out
And back in again. 

While we argue about semantics
And imaginary rights
Freedom is assaulted
And left bleeding in the rain. 

Without true freedom
Life is worthless
As we become living mummies
Rigid, dried out, and dead.

Some may call you crazy
And others may call you a hater
But beware the foolish
Who are what they accuse.

We can do almost anything
If only we believed
And if only we tried
Unafraid and alive
Wild, fearless and free.

Even in loss
There is possibility
And although doors may shut
There will always remain
One that is open. 

Just because we cannot see it
Does not mean
That its not there
And just because we cannot weigh it
Does not mean
That it is trash.

How many lives have been wasted?
Because they were ridiculed
As they allowed others
To limit their dreams.

I am pulling for you
And it is you
Who keeps me going
Even though I do not know
The day will come
When all is known. 

Everything we love
And everything we lost
Is still here
Waiting for us to discover
All that we
Can become. 

Let go of the heartache
And release all the shame
Letting yourself be
And know
All is well.

We shall yet feast together
And drink the finest wine
The kind we have longed for
But have never
Yet tasted. 

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