Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Long Way Home

The Long Way Home 9/3/2013

Sometimes words come easy
But sometimes they do not come at all
Because they remain lodged in the throat
Too jagged, sharp and painful
To force or expel. 

The more that you feel
The more, that they mean
Dangerous when held under pressure
And coming out,  all awkward and wrong.

And I have swallowed my swords
More times than I can count
And what a shame it is
That half a life time
Has come and gone.

We can be kind to strangers
But save the worst for later
Letting them loose when we are relaxed
And trusted. 

Youth is wasted
On the foolish
And the unknowing
As we react, rather than think
And feel rather than understand. 

Some learn over time
And grow wiser with age
While others remain the same
Stunted and infantile.

I had to suffer
And start from scratch
Relearning again and again
How to breathe
And how to live. 

To survive by faith
And to know what matters
Appreciating the smallest of pleasures
Instead of longing for a world,
That does not exist. 

But even the biggest mistakes
And the most devastating losses
Happen for a reason
Even if, we do not understand. 

God still loves us enough
To know, how we learn
Able to see every step
And know every flaw. 

It is he, that knew
What it was, that I needed
And it is he, that knows
All that I can become.  

Everything that is lost
Is returned with love
But only if we give up
And believe. 

At our lowest
We learn to trust
And we learn to appreciate
The true and everlasting treasure
Far greater than what we can buy
Or own. 

Comfort can come
Even with nothing
The day that you see yourself
And decide what to do. 

Life will never be
The way, that we want
But it still, gives us gifts
That are all,
That we need.

Nothing is more important
Than the knowledge
That his promise outweighs
Every loss,
And every sacrifice. 

He knew us both
Before we ever lived
And holds us, as precious gifts
To be scolded, and protected.

Now comes the chance
That some have never seen
As we journey on
Eyes wide open. 

Walking upright
With our head held high
Free to finish every last day
Aware and alive.

The new world will come
And looking backwards
This will all make sense
With all the pain behind us
And forever;  to build, share, and know.

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