Friday, August 30, 2013

The Weekend

The Weekend 8/30/2013

It can be difficult
To know what to do
If you don’t know
Who you are. 

And it’s hard to believe
The truth
If you have been lied to
All of your life. 

We are set apart
And have wandered the world
Traveling from one place to another
And always searching
For home. 

We are hated
By those who don’t even know
But they will hate us anyway
No matter what we do. 

So why not live?
And why not laugh?
Enjoying today
What will never last.

Eat, drink
Love and laugh
Because today we are together
And tomorrow
I don’t know. 

Words are words
But they are written
For a reason
Full of promises and secrets
From a long time ago.

The hard stuff comes
But even then
It never lasts forever
And yet we survive
And still believe. 

Wherever we have been
And whatever we have done
All fades away
Into what we do
And who we are.

If we believe
And if we ask
Then all things will work
For what is best.

I have not given up
So neither should you
Today let us love
And crack a knowing smile. 

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