Thursday, August 29, 2013


Simmer 8/29/2013

If I could do it all over 
I would dive right in
Plunging myself into her heart 
Where I could burn forever.    

But it doesn't make a lot of difference
If this is where I am
As my thoughts turn dark 
And dream that I am awake.

A lot of things 
Once made me angry
But not anymore
Now that the past is stripped away
And there is nothing left to lose.

Now I am free
And now I know 
That I will survive, even this 
Without a grudge 
Or pain.
The anxiety disappears
When you realize the truth
That there is nothing to fear at all
Not even failure
Or death. 

Nothing great will ever happen
As long as we fear humiliation
Because nothing ever changes
Without risk and ridicule. 

You can see it everywhere
Because the glue has lost its grip
And everything is falling apart
As the cracks begin to widen. 

Light pierces the darkness
And now the awakening begins
As we reel from one nightmare
To another. 

The thin veil is starting to tear
And we can share with each other
As the darkness of centuries
Can break in an hour. 

Now more than ever
We can see the truth 
Even in a deluge of lies 
The truth shines through.

No one is pretending 
And now you can see all the faces 
Threatening, ugly and dumb
Evil, stunted, and dead.

Explosions can shake the earth
And rip us to shreds
But something deeper is happening
Behind closed doors.

The breaking point is always the worst
And that is where
Desperate men think of murder
As they seek to keep
All that they have stolen.

Power is seductive 
And it makes men kill and plot
Savoring every last indulgence 
Over all that they love
And all that they hate.

They can crush many
But they cannot change the truth
As they grow ever more angry
And apoplectic. 

Let them burn
Because now I am happy
Thinking of what I have seen
And where I am going.

I will be in her
And she will be in me
All of us together
And better than we were.

We already have
Every victory
And already possess
Everything we need.

Our fire is eternal
And our destiny decided
As once and forever
Our spirits fly free.  

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