Thursday, August 8, 2013


Eyelashes 8/8/2013

Her eyelashes tickle my face
And I can feel her breath
Hot on my neck
In the gray mists of morning
While I am still asleep.

It’s just a memory
Wrapped up in a dream
Too good to be real
And too real to be fake.

It makes me thirst
And it makes me hungry
For all that I have missed
And all that I have lost.

She hovers over my life
And I can feel her in the breeze
Rushing through me
Just to remind me
That she is still there.

She has left
Ghost marks on my heart
In a thin silhouette
Scarring me for life.

Nothing can hold her back
And I will never be the same
The day that I knew
And the day
That I remembered.

I am destroyed
And I am pierced
But nothing is greater
Than love
And renewal.

The black birds can circle
And call out the end
But in my head
Everything is new
And I welcome the dark.

Her eyes are half open
And she also remembers
Back when we first knew
And can never forget.

Objects wobble
And tumble through space
End over end
And explode in bright colors.

I am lost again in thoughts
About what is
And what was
Turned upside down
And inside out.

Love spreads out
And re-imagines itself
Fueling the spirit
Over and over again.

We shall all have eternity
And we shall all see the truth
At last whole
And at last free.

Together to commiserate
And collaborate
Creating what never was
But always should have been.

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