Friday, August 2, 2013

Strings Attached

Strings Attached 8/2/2013

Someone knows
But they need the job
Someone knows
But they have kids.

Someone keeps a secret
Because they are afraid
And someone else has the proof
But who will protect them?

Someone has a recording
And someone has the audio
Proof of what is secret
Right in front of our eyes.

The damning words are there
But they will get no protection
Because only evil men
Can keep a secret
In this day and age.

Many can see the truth
But they will not stand alone
Because many have paid the price
For pointing out the truth.

The enemy doesn’t care
If it is fair or if its not
And the enemy doesn’t care
For true justice.

The enemy wants control
So they can determine the outcome
Judging us all
For all the wrong reasons.

Controlling how long we live
Where we live
How much we earn
And how much we keep.

For them
All lives are not equal
And for them
Murder is acceptable.

They will bribe
And they will lie
Anything to manipulate or intimidate
Just to get what they want.

Commitments and promises
Are just words to them
Convenient means to an end
Just to stab you in the back.

What will it take?
For the proof to be known
Brought out from the darkness
And into the light.

The wool is pulled
And the names are tracked
As the truth is covered over
By hook and by crook.

Changing the titles
And changing the names
All to obstruct the truth
And criminalize the good.

All we need to do
Is win one time
And kick in the door
Stick to our guns
While the whole building collapses.

But this isn’t the first time
That we have been warned
For it was written
A long time ago.

Just because it hasn’t happened
Doesn’t mean in never will
But look who is being hunted
And you will know the reason.

Trace back the lines
From the strings to the pictures
To see who is the cause
And see who is the victim.

Without any shame
So many are persecuted
For daring to point out
What everyone can see.

The bigger the lie
The more it will be protected
And the more horrific the goal
The more that they will fight.

The fix is in
And the numbers do not lie
Every day and everywhere
Hunted and outnumbered.

The people are in place
And all the forces aligned
The evil and the compliant
The fearful and the dumb.

When the dots are connected
The truth becomes obvious
As we are led
Down a path
Of genocide and extinction.

But all men die
So what is there to fear?
Nothing but a trick of the mind
Emotional and foolish.

We shall all yet laugh
And watch this
All fall down
One day for sure.

But between now and then
Many shall suffer
And many shall die
All for nothing
Undefended and unprotected.

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