Monday, August 12, 2013


Headlock 8/12/2013

Deviant, perverted, crazy, or eccentric
Just a few of the many
But none of it means a thing
Because they can even call you a hater
Just for telling the truth.

But anyone who has lived
And has his eyes open
Knows who the real haters are
And also knows
That they are the hated.

Lazy, aloof, drug addict, alcoholic
You hear it everywhere
But it’s not the mistakes you make
It’s what you are doing now
And every day after.

To some a calculated risk is crazy
And freedom of expression a fantasy
Because they have no courage
And they have no life.

But I am not typing these words
Just to rattle the lock
But to bust the door wide open
And run wild with freedom.

They want to dictate
And they want to control
But a life under suppression
Is not a life at all.

When everything you see is fake
And all accomplishment is artificial
Then you know something is up
And something is wrong.

When your life is regulated
And you are treated with suspicion
Then it would be wise
To wake up and take note
Who is praised and excused.

It’s easy to judge
And it’s easy to be brave
When the target is safe
And its fifty to one.

Taking shots of opportunity
At the defenseless and unprotected
Just to keep yourself safe
And in with the mob.

But the good will never be safe
Even if they lie or reason
Because in the end
They are still the hated,
Targeted, foolish, and dumb.

Hanging back and waiting
And hoping that someone else
Will intervene
At just the right moment
To rescue the good.

But reality is already here
And it’s as plain as day
As the good are isolated,
Persecuted, and killed.

The rebels can be murdered
And the dissidents jailed
But it’s better to die alive
Than it is to wait.

For if no one speaks
Evil is emboldened
Brazenly attacking
More and more.

Thousands of years
Have not lied
And the proof is here
As we behold the molten calf
False, repugnant,
Evil and dead.

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