Thursday, August 1, 2013

Easy Pieces

Easy Pieces 8/1/2013

No matter what you do
And no matter how hard you try
Everything always falls apart
And never fits together.

You can never find all the pieces
Because they scatter on the floor
And even though you look
They are too small to find.

Glass can shatter
And some things will splinter
Sending shards in every direction
Under the couch
Or into your feet.

You can try all you want
But it will never look the same
Because even when its glued together
The cracks will show .

I did my best
And I tried very hard
But no matter what you do
Life happens
And things change.

Patience is the hardest thing
And so also is acceptance
Because it never seems like it’s enough
And never seems to satisfy the soul.

Nothing is ever over
And no one is ever vindicated
While everything spins in a circle
Of confusion
And chaos.

Man does not learn
Even though it is as plain as day
Still doing the same foolish things
Over and over again.

Our hearts are torn
And our loyalties divided
As we are tossed in a violent sea
Of conflicting emotions.

Forever searching for something
That can never be found
Always disappointed
And disillusioned.

It took me the longest time
To open my eyes
And see the world for what it was
And would never be.

The pieces are not supposed to fit
And our hearts are supposed to long
Yearning to find that missing piece
Called eternity.

We all long for it
And those who ask
Shall have it
The peace to carry us through
And all the way home.

When we are home
Then we will have it
Where everything fits together
And lasts forever.

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