Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Choke  8/28/2013

We sit at artificial desks
With artificial positions
Working in buildings
With artificial light. 

Told what to think
And how much we are worth
Without regard to character
Or intelligence.

Something’s you can’t see
But you can definitely feel
Like the colorless odorless mist
Killing your brain
One cell at a time. 

Suffocating your dreams
And crushing your spirit
With heartless and mindless control
Over everything we do.

Forced to pretend
That everything is fair
When you have always known
That it’s not
And never will be. 

We talk more than we do
And we give, just to get
Duplicating the same mistakes
Over and over again.

Like a monster
With tentacles everywhere
Seeking more and more
To manipulate and ruin.

All for a lie
The biggest lie of all
And all out of hatred
Cold, dark, and cruel. 

I have seen it many times
And nothing will ever change
Not without the truth
And sacrifice. 

The dance with death
Is slow and painful
And our partner does nothing
But remind us
That we to, will surely die.

We distract ourselves
With amusements
Shallow and thin
While the world around us burns
Just inches away.

It doesn’t help to worry
And it doesn’t help to cry
But desperation is deadly
And just what he wants. 

The plague is here
Because it never left
But was only hiding in the shadows
Until the temperature was right.

Macabre images appear in clouds
And inside our hearts
Our passion grows cold
Growing dimmer and dimmer
Every single day. 

Pray for me
As I pray for you
Against all the odds
That we shall survive
And still believe. 

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