Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Dialing 999

Dialing 999

What should you do
With a meth head zombie
Bangs on the door?
And how should you feel
When a pack of dogs
Hits you from behind?

This is nothing  new
But it is getting worse
As everything falls apart
Just like you knew it would. 

A symptom can tell you something
But this one is spreading fast
The evil progression
Of a viral disease.

One thing leads to another
And even an animal can sense his chance
To lash out at what he hates
Any way he can.  

It’s not about money
Because all the money in the world
Will never change the truth
And that is the reality
Staring at us
With dead eyes.

To hell with the world
So callous and shallow
Let it rot and fall apart
Never to be remembered
Or mourned. 

Bottom heavy, top heavy
And foundering in the water
Over fed and over indulged
Dumb, wasted and dead.

We reap the harvest
That others have sown
A bitter crop of evil
Sharp and jagged.  

How much more
Can anyone swallow?
And still pretend  that it’s okay
When everything that is good
Is thrown away and ignored. 

Not nearly soon enough
Is the giant roused from sleep
Lifting up his arm
To avenge the good
And the peaceful.    

I am staring now
Down at the street
Just as disgusted as ever
Of all that we have wrought. 

The last word, is God’s
And I pray his presence is felt
In every heart that shall receive it
Before all this crumbles 
Down to the ground.   

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