Monday, August 19, 2013

Better Yet

Better Yet  8/19/2013

If you want someone to cry
Then go and look somewhere else
And if you want someone
To feel ashamed
Then you had better think again
And run away. 

Time and water trickles down
Never to return
But the hatred of the foolish
Will eventually boil upwards
And burn them alive. 

If you hate yourself
Then go away and vomit
But even a fool should know
It is our actions that matter.

A wise man can read the message
And a smart man will be prepared
Because freedom seldom comes
Without suffering and bloodshed.

The journey upwards is never easy
But great things are elusive and risky
Not for the dull 
Or the emotionally deficient. 

No one can do it for me
And they will not
Do it for you
Because if we do not struggle
Then we will never grow. 

My heart burns
For what is true
Indomitable and undefeated
Come what may
And come what will. 

That is why
I have learned
That I had to lose it all
In order to have it back. 

I am smiling now
Because now I know
As a take dead aim
And let loose a steady stream.

Telling the truth
Is beautiful
Because it heals the soul
And loosens the rope
Wrapped around our necks. 

Others can do what they want
But I don’t need to carry the weight
Because it’s better to be free
Than it is to be a slave.

If they come for words
Then they will come for thoughts
Just to bury the truth
Any which way they can. 

But a free people
Have no use for propaganda
And good men
Should seek the truth. 

We are more than human
And can accomplish impossible things
But only if we know
What we are
And who to ask. 

This flesh will rot
And this house will fall
But true love has conquered the world
And pours over us all
Clear, cold, and pure. 

We will never be finished
And there will always be more
To share and create
Long after this is done
And all this is dead. 

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