Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Darker Thoughts

Darker Thoughts 8/13/2013

Macabre images in black and white
Fill the imagination
With the twisted, hidden
Forgotten and forbidden.

Nothing but snapshots
Of suppressed memory
Stirring up emotions
Inside of the empty,
Willing and submissive.

We are strange beasts
At home in the dark
Sleeping through the sunrise
And writhing in our sleep.

Nothing is ever forgotten
And nothing is ever lost
Only misplaced
Or mishandled.

Everything returns
In the dark
Flitting about the room
And whispering in our ears.

Tempting us
And reminding us
Of half remembered emotions
Decades ago
And far away.

Calling us away
And forcing us to relive
Every time we tried
And every time we lost.

I used to toss and turn
Unable to sleep
Listening to my heartbeat
Inside of my head.

I shake them off
And think of the now
Remembering who I am
And all of those I love.

The night like the day
Is full of good and evil
But its where we stay
That matters
And guides the heart.

Desperate thoughts
Attack the mind
And bleed the spirit
Weakening our resolve
To get up and fight.

Fight evil with love
And never give an inch
Remember for whom we live
and those yet to come.

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