Friday, August 23, 2013


Transference 8/23/2013

Between the father and the son
Much has flowed unseen
Under the bridge
And out to sea.

You were there
At every step
Smoothing the path before me
With a quick eye
And a steady hand. 

My father is gone
But now he sees all
And now I am aware
With eyes inside my head.

I can see why
And I can see the truth
About all I have done
And who it is
That I am.

No one gave him a thing
And that was just the way
He wanted it
Climbing upwards
Every single day. 

I have taken up the weight
But I shall bear it
And walk upright
Heading exactly where I need to be
Today and tomorrow.

Others have gone before
And perhaps others 
Will fall in behind
But this road is the one less taken
And much less understood.

It is a quiet road
One that is seldom celebrated
But it is the only road for me
And for mine. 

It really does not matter
If, when, or even how
As long as I consult my conscience
Every step of the way. 

This is zero point
And this is the beginning
The beginning of an end
That started when I was born.

But there is beauty 
Even in ruins 
And even in great tragedy 
There is always love 
And opportunity.  

We must learn all over again
The same lessons
That others learned 
A long time ago.  

But the greatest challenges lie ahead
And straight up this hill 
But even in sacrifice
We shall have it all.  

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