Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Orange Crush

Orange Crush 8/27/2013

I drove my motorcycle in large circles
Lazily around the parking lot
Waiting for you to come out
The last day I was young
Three lifetimes ago.

We walked along the beach
And watched the setting sun
Orangish, Pinkish,
Beautiful, and surreal. 

I can still feel the breeze
Ruffle through my shirt
And the cool water
Washing over my feet. 

I was there
But I was really here
And now that I am  here
God, I wish I was there.

But isn’t that life
Slipping us by
Running down our fingers
Like a popsicle
On a hot summer day. 

Back then my eyes were closed
And back then,
I didn’t understand
Uncomfortable in my own skin
And awkward as hell.

The sun sank
And left a black velvety darkness
Covering us over
And bringing you closer

I could feel the electricity
Prickling my every pore
As all possible worlds opened up
Just for us to explore.

But there must have been
Other plans for me
And for you
Because it’s always then
That everything falls apart.

It’s always something
And still it is now
As routine obligations
Change everything
And waste our time.

We both left
And I didn’t think ahead
Blind and still afraid
To find out more. 

I always had a foolish belief
That life would work out
Without effort or risk
But that was then
And this is now. 

I thought I would see you again
And I thought that, we would have
A million more chances
To live it all over again. 

My tires lost traction after that
And it took me years
To understand
All that I might have had
But lost along the way. 

Some friends remain
Long after the others have gone
But most have drifted away
And down with the current.

But here I type
Worn down and haggard
But a whole lot wiser
And humble. 

Now I know
That its okay to lose
And now I understand
That rejection isn’t so hard.

We were not the first
To be crushed
And we are not the only ones
That have been forgotten. 

I remember it all
And smile at the ruins
Because all this and so much more
Still awaits
All who ask.    

My heart is free
And it feels good to share
Because the best part survives
Rebellious to the core.

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