Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Monochromatic 8/7/2013

I woke up
With blood in my mouth
Suddenly snapping out
Of dreams and delirium.

Half remembered
They make little sense
More bothersome than healthy
The subconscious ramblings
Of desperation and madness.

When we awaken
The strings are snapped
And the dead are forgotten
As the living forget
Who we really are.

We are stuck in the middle
In a never ending twilight
Half aware
And half asleep.

The blood flows
And muscles tense
As we fall forever a victim
To emotions, run amok.

The pit beckons us
Like a vacuum
Pulling us downwards
Into the great wide open.

But climbing upwards
Is a battle
Steep and strewn with thorns
Poisonous, sharp and piercing.

There is no other way
And there is no secondary route
Other than falling down
And giving up.

Point zero is never far away
Where everything merges together
Both the beginning and the end
Overlapping and exploding
Back to something new.

You can call it
What you want
But something else
Is coming
Just around the corner.

I am awake again
And I sit at my desk
With a whole new world to dream of
And the end, to think about.

Nothing is ever as clear
As what I know now
That this is what we have
And we must live with it

I have said my peace
And I have prayed for the rest
Because with me, or without me
Everything goes as planned.

The sky can light up
And the whole world can change
In the blink of an eye
Everything can morph
And all fall apart.

But what I am, is changeless
And what I believe in remains
Even after I am gone
I will still survive.

When the flames spread
And the powder explodes
Then you will know
Where it started
And where it ends.

Truth my friends, is all we have
Even though the world
Is filled with lies
Because no matter what happens
The good shall survive.

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