Monday, August 26, 2013


Guts   8/26/2013

Something’s cannot keep
Because they will rot and fester
Growing mold
And spreading disease. 

The rotten wood crumbles to dust
And the whole house
Collapses on itself
A paper thin facade
With nothing to back it up. 

You can say it today
And you repeat it for 100 years
But a lie is still a lie
And nothing lasts forever. 

Some people live without a spark
And will never understand
But the fire burns within us
And there is no putting it out. 

If you cannot see it
Then you are not looking
And if you refuse to know
Then you are blind and dumb. 

I know what it feels like
To be hopeless and alone
But never for a minute
Did I blame a stranger
Or beat the innocent.  

The world can be merciless
And people can be cruel
But the greater man finds a way
Through faith and action. 

No longer do I believe
Everything that I hear
And no longer can you trust
What you see on TV.

Others can laugh
And others may lie
But the clock is ticking downwards
Every second
And every day. 

I can pick on my scabs
Or I can let them heal
But what we do is a choice
And I have made mine. 

When the windows are opened
And the door is kicked in
The whole artificial world
Will fall on itself.

When everything falls apart
It will pay to be loyal
To what is true
And what is real. 

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