Thursday, August 15, 2013


Squeeze   8/15/2013

I can feel it in the air
And it’s just like I figured
The fix is in
At least for now. 

At every opportunity 
The endless attack continues
Because some people refuse to grow
And cannot change. 

Not all men think the same
And not all ideas are equal
Because some things are bigger
Than how it looks
Or what we wish.

The day you know
Is the day you are free
Free to live as fully human
Without regret or shame.

Some people burn with hatred
And nothing on this earth
Shall ever quench it
No, not even money, power,
Or praise. 

They do not want fairness
And they do not know justice
Because they cannot accept any reality
Other than resentment and blame.

But to a man with vision
He can see it for what it is
A childish and infantile tantrum
From the shallow and the vain. 

In a world gone mad
Perhaps this is what we have
But inside of our hearts
The spirit should drive us on
To give what we love. 

In a thousand small ways
Even the good and humble
Can change the world
By their beliefs, their faith
And their courage.

Though the hands squeeze us tight
We shall be more than conquerors
More than enough
If we do what is right.

By meeting hypocrisy with truth
And standing fast in the trench
Offering up each one
All that we are
Without equivocation or apology. 

The world is dying
And with it comes the pain
Shuddering in the convulsions
To bring about
Something new. 

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