Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Flash in the Dark

A Flash in the Dark 8/20/2013

How does it look
And how does it feel
To be rolling inside a circle
And spinning sideways in space.

Like a vinyl, plastic nylon
Black and shiny like latex
Sleek, tight, and smooth
Captured forever on celluloid.

In my mind
Everything falls into place
And everything makes sense
Pure, beautiful, and cool
Like water on my face.

There are things
That we do not understand
And that is okay with me
Because not everything we imagine
Must be logical or planned.

Anything can be an inspiration
And art is better than life
Because we dream in colors
More vivid than reality.

We are born with longing
And we are born with ideas
Of a place more perfect
Than where we are
And where we live.

A place where there is only creation
And a place where our dreams live
Where you never stop learning
And growing. 

A weightless realm
Without limits or boundaries
Where we can be whole
And live forever. 

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