Monday, July 1, 2013

Bringing Hell

Bringing Hell 7/1/2013

Some dreams
Are not meant to be
And some wishes
Are only just a dream.

This I had to learn
Over and over again
And it took me, the longest time
To let them go
And understand.

It isn’t easy
To see beneath the surface
And it can be hard
To stare at the truth.

The truth can be ugly
And the truth can be a horror
Grabbing you by the guts
And yanking them down.

So you should not be surprised
That others turn way
With their backs to the wind
Nothing but slaves to their emotions
Like cows in a field.

But I am as free
As I decide, that I am
And to suffer for the truth
Is not suffering at all.

Unleash the rebel heart!
And see, what you can be
Even if it hurts
And even if you lose.

Speak the truth
Whenever you can
And unafraid.

But do not let your heart
Be pained
By lies or accusations
And do not let your soul
Be troubled or afraid.

Because the truth is happy
And the truth is a treasure
Taking the weight off our shoulders
One ounce at a time.

Silence won’t change a thing
So why suffer the fools
When all you have to do
Is vote with your feet
And all that you have.

A true rebel doesn’t need a T-shirt
To tell you, who he is
And he doesn’t need to prove a thing
To show you
What he is worth.

No matter how small the effort
Every single action
Makes a difference
As we decide for ourselves
The truth from the lies.

Turn the tables over
And see how they run
Back from where they came
To rob, steal, and murder.

Nothing will ever make sense
Until you can see it
From the right side up
But you can’t count on anyone
To stand up,
Or do it for you.

The truth is outside
For anyone to find,
And you can always search for signs
In a spiders web
Where anyone can search
And anyone can see.

But no matter what is said
And no matter what is done
Everything is there
The truth and the lies.

The world will confirm the truth
As many times as it takes
Even though we close our eyes
Or run the other way.

Others are out there
Undefended and brave
Fighting for their lives
With blood on their face.

Let them not be forgotten!
And let them not be maligned
Burning them instead,
Into our hearts and brains!

To each of the rebels
Feel your strength and power
As God rises up
And multiplies our hearts.

Nothing is impossible
And all can be saved
Brought back in full
Everyone and everything.

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