Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Pfft! 7/16/2013

No one is going to do it for us
And very few if any
Will ever stand, and back us up
But that is what makes us different
The noble and courageous.

The weak man looks for weakness
And preys upon the defenseless,
And the unsuspecting
Waiting for targets of opportunity
To injure, murder or steal.

Attacking suddenly
And without warning
To ensure his success
And moment of glory.

They laugh at misery
And cavort with glee
No matter how despicable
Or how revolting.

Never considering what is fair
Or what is truly just
But only himself
And his fragile emotions
Stunted and infantile.

But it takes something more
To stand for what is right
By ruthlessly evaluating the self
Before you act or speak.

You have to be a man
Before you can make the leap
And there is more to being a man
Than making babies
For someone else to raise.

It is the real man
That should be feared
The sleeping giant
Who is slow to anger
And just in his deeds.

The world turns
And so does the tables
No matter what we say
Or what we do.

There is one God
And he is just
No matter how it looks
Or what we think.

He was and He is
And he shall yet pour out
His wrath upon arrogant men
Bringing down all the kingdoms
And all the kings
To their knees.

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