Friday, July 19, 2013

La vie en Rose

La vie en Rose 7/19/2013

No one has ever been betrayed
By an enemy
And no man has ever suffered
Half as much.

Because the first stab,
Is not only the deepest,
But also the most accurate
Through the back
And into the heart.

Easy smiles
And familiar faces
Make us relax
And forget.

So that we lower our guard
And close our eyes
Reveling in companionship
And camaraderie.

We are taught to trust
And we are told to be kind
So that we will always pity the wicked
And help the stricken.

But life is precious
And so is love
Irreplaceable treasures
That burn with fire.

But evil lurks
In the hearts of some
Beneath a harmless countenance
And shallow ambition.

If I would have looked closely
I would have seen their eyes
Always darting form side to side
And searching for something
Or maybe just someone
Anything that they could use,
Possess or steal.

Long practiced in the art
Of deception, and manipulation
Lying their way in
And lying their way out.

It is hard to be patient
And it is hard to be good
When no punishment is suffered
As days become months
And months become years.

In this world,the good disappear
Losing pieces of who they are
Until there is nothing left
Except heartache and grief.

But, in loss and even in death
We become everything
And live everywhere
As invisible and ethereal
As a whisper in the dark.

For some life is pink
Because they see what they want
But it is a luxury and a curse
Not all men enjoy.

Life goes on
And the music fades away
Leaving us to ponder the silence
Of a thousand lost years.

I will never be the same
And neither shall you
As we become what we always were
The good and the true.

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