Friday, July 12, 2013

Trench Art

Trench Art 7/12/2013

Wind it all the way up
And douse it
With gasoline
Because then, all it takes is a spark
To set it all on fire.

But what difference does it make
When there are fires every day
The kind no one talks about
And everyone ignores.

We pretend it didn’t happen
And we pretend
That it’s no big deal
But it sure makes a difference
To the victims
Beaten, raped, or killed.

What good is a voice
If you cannot speak the truth?
And what good is faith?
When no one dares
To speak his name.

The truth is covered over
And a false god is praised
All because of childish emotions
And just because
They’ll never understand.

But my torch is lit
And there is no turning back
Because truth and faith demands
The way I must live
Come what may.

There is a peace
In knowing
What it is
That you should believe
Especially when it’s based on truth
The kind you see every day.

This is what we have
And this is the challenge
But what does life even mean?
If we shrink backwards
And run.

God knows
And he is watching now
Watching me
And watching the watchers.

They are digging holes
Deeper and deeper still
But it is they who shall fall in,
And be swallowed whole.

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