Monday, July 15, 2013


Orwellian 7/15/2013

The sun is obvious in the sky
And so is the truth
Every day
And in every way.

But some men are blind
And some men are dumb
Blinded by hatred
And wandering in the dirt.

Just because it is unspoken
Does not mean, that it’s not true
And just because, it’s not on the news
Doesn’t mean
That it never happened.

The truth is no secret
And you can find it everywhere
Just outside your window
Or a few keystrokes away.

Carnival barkers can rhyme
And even a fraud
Can light a match
But God judges all
With grace and mercy.

But to everything
There is a beginning
And an end
And even this shall end
Just as God promised.

A blind man
Cannot lead the blind
Unless unto death
And into condemnation.

Running headlong off a cliff
Because they could not grow
And see
The world as it is
And always was.

What does it feel like
To wake up
And open your eyes
Knowing that you have been lied to
All of your life.

I have seen the truth
And I have seen the victims
Even though nothing was said
And nothing is ever done.

The truth isn’t pretty
And it may not always conform
To what we wish
Or what we are told.

But the only way to grow
Is to understand and acknowledge
What we have done right
And what we have done wrong.

The best thing I ever did
Was to see myself as I was
Not what I wanted to be
Because that is the first step
To a new and better beginning.

Nothing ever changes
If you yourself
Remain the same
Still flailing at the wind
And choking in the sand.

I am myself
And so also, are you
Free enough
To make our own decisions
And face whatever may come.

If I do wrong
It cannot be your fault
But only my own
Now and forever.

But if I do what is right
Then God shall know
Even if I suffer
And even if I lose.

I rise or fall
And I can either learn
Or close my eyes
Either moving upwards
Or fall head over heels.

But no matter what I say
And what I do
God knows my heart
Inside and out.

And peace flows over me
As it should flow over you
A peace beyond all understanding
Greater than all the world
Ten times a thousand.

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