Friday, June 28, 2013

Double Double

Double Double 6/28/2013

Dumb is the day
Hot, horrible and heavy
Weighing down on my chest
As I walk along the street.

It does not matter much
That I am tired
Because today is another day
And we all must, keep trying.

Last night
The storm came
With long rolls of thunder
And flashing bolts of light.

I didn’t pay much attention
As I rushed to the car
And only caught the reflections
In my rearview mirror.

I made it home
And I put the kids to bed
Another day and another night
Alone in the world.

This morning the humidity
Rose like smoke from the street
Amid the fallen branches and leaves
Spread randomly in my path.

The old life has gone
But now I live again
Never again so safe
And never again so sure.

I tried to do it on my own
But I never got that far
So now I humbly wait
Just to see
Where I can go.

They say that lightning
Cannot strike twice
But of that, I am not so sure
Because many have led double lives
Here and also there.

I am here
And I was there
Both equally alive
In a different slice of time.

Each one, just as real
And each one, just as dumb
But now I know
And now I understand.

Nothing will ever be perfect
And with that, I am content
That no matter what happens
God knows
And remembers.

Double lightning
May yet strike again
But even this
I shall survive
Still just as good
And still, just as worthy.

It has cut me through
And split me in half
Separating what was
With who I am.

We can grow
From the inside out
And we must die
In order to live.

The old will be forgiven
And all the wounds healed
Better, and brighter than before
Flashing with light
And streaking across the heavens.

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