Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Stirring the Cup

Stirring the Cup 7/10/2013

I am the son of a father
And the father of a son
A legacy buried in the deep
Long ago
And far away.

But who has come before
Will come again
And he who goes first
Shall be followed by many.

The earth holds many memories
And the earth embraces the dead
Holding them for a time
Until God calls them back.

My dreams are not wasted
And my thoughts are written
Inside of my heart
Both the known and the unspoken
Intentions, motives and all.

Just because we do not understand
Does not mean
That we don’t know
And just because the truth is hidden
Does not mean
Lies are truth.

These times
And all that is in it
Are but a drop in the ocean
A mere rain drop
In the numberless gray.

We are tested
And we are trained
Over and over again
Until we learn
And until we grow.

We can use it
Either for good or for bad
Throwing ourselves upstream
Or letting the flow wash us
Out into the nothingness
And sink into oblivion.

I can see my father
In the spirit of my son
And I can feel the stir of history
In my sinews
And in my bones.

We shall find home together
And there shall we feast
No longer limited
And no longer bound.

Look up and smile
Because the battle has been won
And it will all unfold
Just exactly as it was planned.

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