Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Squeezer 7/24/2013

Some people bring you gifts
And some people
Threaten your life
Whatever it takes to make you crumble
And grant every demand.

But one should always ask
Themselves the question
About who it helps
And who it will hurt.

A problem, is a problem
But a solution is the cure
Except when you wish to destroy
What was never yours at all.

Trace the cause and effect
Forwards and back
And it becomes clear
Who it hurts
And why.

A sinking ship
Doesn’t need more people
And millions of fools
Should not be enabled.

Only a man
Cursed with hatred
Would ever try
And make it harder
For free men to breathe
And laugh.

Stacking the odds
To insult and demean
Gutting the freedom of expression
And free association.

The vile snake
Has never created a thing
But only lies in wait
To kill or deceive.

They love to lie
And they will never say, they are sorry
No matter how brutal the crimes
Or how disgusting the methods.

The good are abandoned
And their names
Are never spoken
While the most vile criminals
Glorified and excused.

How long must this go on
When it is as clear as the sun
The good and the evil
Burning in the sky.

It is no mystery
From where we have come
Each one a part
Of the holy remnant
Hated, persecuted
Penalized and watched.

Blamed for everything
And constantly attacked
While the truth is hidden
And unacceptable to speak.

I shall not forget their names
And I cannot forget the others
The ones who gave their all
For nothing in return.

Our children should have a chance
To be what they are
And not be hounded
Or robbed of the future
That we have squandered.

Numbers do not lie
And that’s what it’s all about
Hatred, punishment
Blood and death.

We were blessed
But we turned away instead
Self-absorbed, deluded
Wealthy, bankrupt, and dead.

Now others take our homes
And others take our towns
Deliberately surrendered
House by house.

It all adds up to something
And no one says a word
While they line their pockets
And curse their own.

I remember
And I see
The world that was
And the world that is.

The evil take advantage
Of generosity and kindness
Sucking dry every vein
And wasting every dime.

Corrupting the halls of power
And skewing the law
All out of hatred
In spite of themselves.

Single minded in their pursuit
No matter who it hurts
Because as long as the hated suffer
Their own children are dead.

The evil men of this world
Shall not survive
Or inherit
The kingdom to come

The names are written
And the ink is nearly dry
But blessed are the few
Who never give up.

I know who I am
And I know where I am from
Long ago and far away
God knew
And loved.

Resist slavery
And never surrender the truth
Because even though he waits
The Lord is coming soon.

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