Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Wherever 7/30/2013

Perhaps it doesn’t fit the script
But it pays to watch
And it pays to learn
Because some things cannot be seen
Or measured.

The true intentions
And true motivations, can be seen,
But only if you pay attention
And know how to accept
Uncomfortable truths.

Many are those
Who let fear
Steal their every joy
And destroy their every hope.

But there is a secret
That they do not understand
A truth hidden in plain sight
As obvious as the sun.

Evil must win every day
And they must remind us,
Every hour
That their victory is inevitable
With many implied threats
To steal and kill.

But a slip of the lip
Or one courageous man
Can turn the tables over
By telling the truth
And making it stick.

It only takes one victory
To break the dam
And let loose the waters
Held back for the longest time
Mighty and deep.

And that is the secret
Everyone should know
And now is the time
And this is the place.

Some may think
That their time has come
Waiting in doorways
Until they have the us surrounded
And outnumbered.

They threaten and they bully
While sharpening their knives
Unable to see or imagine
Anything beyond
Jealousy or blame.

They must injure
And they must lie
Anything to keep it going
Until it is too late
To resist or fight.

But all their logic
Is based on a lie
And they shall be wiped away
In the blink of an eye.

It could be anything
Or it could be anyone
Starting right here
And starting right now.

Claim the victory
And the turn the tide
By standing up
And never letting go.

Hang the velvet curtains
And let them puddle on the floor
As decadent and lavish
As you ever were.

Lower the chandelier
To watch it dazzle
Talking and laughing
Late into the night.

This is what we have
Let us embrace it
And enjoy each other
Because this is also ours
To hold and cherish.

The world shall all blow away
But we have this moment
As beautiful as we want it
Because we are known
And loved.

God’s grace has built it
With our hands
And his spirit
No one can ever steal
What he has given.

The blessings shall follow the good
Wherever they are
As long as they remember
And follow.

But the evil
Shall waste
Whatever is given
And whatever is stolen.

Never to keep
And never to gain
Always thwarted
And always angry.

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