Monday, July 29, 2013

Deadly Omission

Deadly Omission 7/29/2013

Cock your head
And hear the truth
That something is up
And something is wrong.

Because this is not the first time
And this is not the last
That evil men have set us up
To roll over and die.

Cleverly planned
And coldly executed
Dangled in front of killers
Unprotected and slow.

With no black box
And cremated remains.
Just like they suspected
And just like they knew.

Loyal to the end
But betrayed from the start
The reason we are here
And the reason
That they shall die.

The killers come
To replace what is lost
At just the last minute
To do what they will.

They think that no one knows
And they think that no one cares
Because that is what they do
Sacrificing themselves
For the comfort of others.

Powerful men
Hide behind, fear and suspicion
Knowing, that no one will ask
And no one will speak.

Because he who blows the whistle
Can count his days, as spent
Gone in day
And as good as dead.

But just as life struggles to exist
We shall survive
Hanging on wherever we can
And fighting as long as it takes.

I can almost hear the footsteps
As I stretch out my arms
Just trying to keep the bridge together
Until the last one has crossed.

We will see the truth
Each one a part of the whole
Without a wasted second
And no one left behind.

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