Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Limbo 7/23/2013

Not all who drink the poison
Really mean to die
But sometimes it’s hard to tell
What others feel
When they are no longer able
Or willing.

There is a place
Not too far
From where I sit
Where precious life
Becomes a burden
And happiness just a dream.

It is a place
You cannot imagine
And weighs heavily on my heart
Like an anvil in your stomach
Or black blood
On the brain.

It is a dark cliff
Across a frozen ocean
Where the cold gray drizzle
Never stops
And your flesh
Cracks and bleeds.

A place where you no longer care
If you live or if you die
Unable to breathe without the poison
That is killing you
And everyone else.

A hopeless dark corner
In a windowless room
Shut off from everything

Where you want to wake up
But would rather just sleep
So you pull up the black blanket
And cover your head.

A lowly place
Where you lose everything
And everyone
Where your friends forget you
And your lovers
Leave you.

It could be one thing
Or it could be another
But for all, it is death
Licking at our feet.

It is a desperate place
Where you no longer fear
A place where nothing matters
Except for nothingness.

A place you want to forget
So you do your best to leave
Unable to decide
If it’s worth it or not.

This world is also dying
But, I am not afraid of that
Because what is fear
When everything is lost.

Pity the dead
Because now it’s too late
Randomly taken
In the middle of the night.

Alone in bed
And dying in desperation
Unable to go on
And open their eyes.

I thank God for the chance
To see what is left
Plucked out of the darkness
Without even knowing to ask.

It is for you
I have asked
And I pray you see the same
All the world wide open
And waiting to be born.

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