Thursday, July 11, 2013


Eyeglass 7/11/2013

It doesn’t matter how it looks
And it doesn’t matter how I feel
What really matters is the truth
And doing what is right.

The truth can be ugly
And the truth can hurt
Cutting you to the bone
And doubling you over
In pain.

But the truth is far better
Than a lie
Because without truth
Nothing matters at all.

The powers that be
Can do what they want
But only as long
As no one speaks
And cower in fear.

But there are bigger things
Than money or smiles
And there is nothing more noble
Than the good
Who stand.

People love to judge
And people love to hate
Viewing life through a filter
Both immature
And false.

But bigger things are kept
For the strong and the honest
Those who are brave enough
To look, recognize, and know.

Today is another day
And here we are
How we live and what we do
Is all on us
No matter what anyone else
Thinks or does.

To grow is to learn
And stare down the ghosts
And the demons
Looking inside and out
To see what is really there.

To take the narrow path
And finish it with grace
No matter how hard
Or how painful.

All of us suffer
But it is better to be brave
Than it is to lie
And hide.

He who protects himself
Will lose everything
But he who stands and suffers
Shall gain it all.

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