Monday, July 22, 2013

Bye Bye

Bye Bye 7/22/2013

Behind the walls
And behind the doors
We sit in a bubble
Safe and secure.

Floating above
The calm and strife
Insulated from reality
Ugly and cruel.

But all bubbles burst
And every fool
Shall fall far below
Plunging into the chaos
That was always there.

Money changes hands
And deals are struck
By the mighty
And the damned.

Selling out a future
That has no chance at all
Because of cowardly men
Bullied and coerced.

It was never about the shadows
And it was never about love
But only about hatred
And profit.

The ship is sinking
Just like, we knew it would
Overloaded and underpowered
Bottom heavy and dead.

Foundering underneath our feet
While we drink and laugh
Flapping our tongues
About artificial games.

The corpse flower blooms
And smells like death
Just at the right time
And in the right place.

The promise was clear
And the warnings were spoken
But nobody would ever admit
That the engine is flooded
And the lifeboats are broken.

It will all blow up
And get them in the face
Just like it was written
A long time ago.

Take a long whiff
Because this is where it’s going
Over and out
Dumb and dead
Goodbye and good riddance.

It is dead
And it is dying
All for show
And all for fun.

They can have it
And feast on the carcass
Because a good king is coming
And he is almost here.

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