Thursday, July 25, 2013

A Million Miles

A Million Miles 7/25/2013

I have said it million times
But when it happens
It’s still a surprise
Like a train wreck we all saw coming
But still shocks with destructive power.

Change comes
But seldom without warning
And you could see this coming
A thousand miles away.

But either people are blind
Or they don’t care to see
Willfully living with their noses to the ground
Following the scent of food
Straight off a cliff.

But isn’t that, what we all do?
In so many different ways
Putting out, all our effort
To climb a ladder
Only to find it, leaning against
The wrong fucking house.

We are as good as gold
And we are as good as dead
Just wasting our efforts
Trying to be something, we are not
And never should have been.

But isn’t that rich
That we find out, too late
That what we had was perfect
And what we lost
Irretrievable and dead.

My flesh tingles
With the cool breeze
Blowing on me, and through me
As if the spirit
Is telling me something
Or shaking me awake.

I wish I could understand
All the horror in the world
About what is going on,
Inside the heads
Of murderers, and abusers.

But there are some things
That cannot be explained
And there are types of madness’s
That can never be cured.

What strikes us as inhuman
Is for them
Nothing, but a means to an end
Like a bug to be crushed
And flushed away.

Evil has a place in them
Residing inside their souls
Where no one can see
But was always there, in their eyes
Burning with hatred and pride.

The plague has come
But not the kind you think
Preying on the defenseless and the elderly
Parasitic, evil, and deadly.

And the good suffer
The slowest kind of death
Vilified, separated, and harassed
Their livelihood’s stolen
Piece by piece.

But even though
The good are hard to find
When you find them
Hold on tight
With all of your heart
And all of your might.

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