Friday, July 26, 2013

Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect 7/26/2013

If you are sleeping
You might miss the story
But it’s not that hard to find
Or understand.

The truth really is out there
And it’s worse than you think
A slow and horrible extinction
For you
And for me.

The enemy is not at the gate
But looking over our shoulder
Tracking our every move
And eroding our every freedom.

More concerned with outcome
Than what is fair or just
And working overtime
To penalize and persecute
The good and the honest.

Once you make the leap
Everything falls into place
As you follow the trail,
And double back to the source.

Dictators conduct show trials
And kings kill their enemies
Humiliating the good
Anyway they can.

But only a fool, should think
That money can buy peace
And only the suicidal can believe
In the mercy of the hateful.

But even in the depths of despair
I have found peace
Concentrating on who can help
And asking for what I need.

Finding solace and renewal
In payers of forgiveness and salvation
For those whom I know
Both near and far.

The self disappears
As I become who I am
Infinitely stronger when I give
Than when I take.

I have thought of you
And I think of them
The ones that I love
And the ones left behind.

There is always something more
And there is always faith
And he who remembers to the last
Shall reap it all.

They may not know it now
But I pray that they will
All those that I remember
To see and know the truth.

And we will be
Planted like seeds
In a fertile land
Better than we are
And growing forever.

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