Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Deadly, Deadly, Deadly

Deadly, Deadly, Deadly 7/17/2013

Life is deadly cocktail
That always ends in death
Pleasurable, addictive,
Poisonous and toxic.

If you have not felt the pull
Then you have not felt the pain
Surging in your veins
Warm and beautiful.

We squint in the sun
And shiver in the cold
But no one know wants your death
As much as passion
And desire.

Chemistry has made us powerful
But flesh makes us weak
Dumb enough to think
That we are immune.

I stretched out my arms like wings
And pretended that I could fly
Swirling around and around
Until I crashed on the ground.

All things that try
Will circle the drain
All ending in waste
To revolting to keep
And all flushed away.

Happiness comes
But not the way we wish
In smaller and unexpected ways
Subtle and poignant.

Chemicals make it easy
And vodka makes it cheap
Until we pour them out
And start again anew.

Sometimes it hurts
And sometimes we weep
But it’s better than giving up
To die in your sleep.

I’ll take the hard road
And that is what I choose
Even though it hurts
And even though I lose.

Nothing lasts forever
And even the worst desires
Fade over time
Weaker and weaker
Until they almost disappear.

I know what is in me
And I know how much it hurts
But nothing will ever be as sweet
As new life
Tender, genuine, and true.

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