Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Spreading the Circle

Spreading the Circle 7/3/2013

The decades came and went
Slipping by my life
As I sleep walked in circles
Around and around again.

But some things are constant
And some things never change
No matter what we think
Or what we wish.

What is pure will be corrupted
And even the most noble of intentions
Are lost over time
Scattered like pearls before swine
Wasted and dumb.

Tyranny can storm the front door
Or sneak in from the back
But either way
It is what it is
And nothing can change the truth.

We all make mistakes
And we all have made omissions
But what we did or did not do
Will always remain
Just as they are.

We hurt over the smallest of things
And nurse our resentments
When all we have to do
Is let go
And carry on.

Yes the good sometimes suffer
And sometimes we have failed
Just because we were hesitant
Or insecure.

Hiding instead behind
Walls of fear
And bottling up our emotions
Until they spill over in
Passive aggressive bursts.

How many opportunities are lost
Because we were afraid
Afraid of ridicule
Or an awkward rejection.

Wasting our time and our effort
Behind halfhearted attempts
Never genuine
And doomed to failure.

But no matter how much time is lost
Love and grace
Can heal every minute
Starting the day we stop worrying
And start living.

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